viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018


The class was invited to a conference to listen to some teacher that have been working in a foreing country. One of them was in United States. 

Their topics were so interesting because thay have motivated us to wo working to a differetn country. In first place bacause we are going to improve our level of English that i very important for our future as English teachers. And in the other hand because it will open our mind, firstly because we are going to stay so far from home, and secondly because we are going to learn a lot of new methos of education depending on the country we go. 

From my point of view, this kind of things help us to change our way of thinking. Because we probably do not know this kind of opportunities. 

In my opinion, I would like to do this, because I believe that it is an incredible experience for our job. I want to do something similar next year, but not as a teacher, otherwise a volunteer in an association abroad. It will help me to improve my level of English and to know how is life abroad. 

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I am so sad to say good bye to this subject. The professor has motivated us a lot to be incredible English teachers. We have learnt a l...