miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018


In this subject we have learnt a lot of different online resources taht will help us in our future class. 

Symbaloo has been one of this resources. It is an online platform where you can distribute a lot of different parts. It help students to find the things they have to use in a subject. For instance in English you can do some parts. One part could be for searching information, like word reference or something to find meaning of words. Other part could be the things they have to use to study, like an online notebook with the differetn unit. And other part could be resources with online activities like kahoot, educaplay or something like that. 

Other resources are for instance kahoot, where you can do some questions to your students and they have to solve it in some seconds using their computers. I have created for this subject one with the topic ''Healthy food'' and it so easy to prepare and pupils will enjoy a lot.

Other resources we have done is for instance educaplay, an online platform where you can create different activities with the topic yo choose. In my case I have created an activity where pupils will review the weather. It was an activity where thwy have to relate the word with the image because it was for students of the first course. 

And we have practised with more resources, because the professor was all the time showing us how motivate pupils an how to be different as the right now teachers. 

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I am so sad to say good bye to this subject. The professor has motivated us a lot to be incredible English teachers. We have learnt a l...