martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018


In this subject we have learnt that the best way to teach English is trought different methodologies. 

Different resources in class make the pupils have fun.

If pupils know that they are going to enjoy, they will be happy to learn.

With games, we can do everything in our class. You do not need to prepare complex activities to learn something.

If you prepare short activities that take the students out of the traditional methodologies, it will help your students to learn in a better way.

Some examples are for instance telling stories, where they will improve some skills, listening in this case. And it is an incredible tool if you use a good entonation, because it will atract them.

Other simple thing are for instance rhymes, reading rhymes is okey. But pupils have lots of creativity, so they can create a short one and they will enjoy doing it.

Listening to songs. It is a good method to relax them when they are stressed after the break for example. If you play music on the internet, while they are doing some activities, it will relax them. As a prize of a good job is a good tool to motivate them. Or for instance, listening to music trying to guess a blank. Or listening a song trying to understand what it says.

All this simple things will change the way of our classes. And it is important to help students to learn in a better way. 

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I am so sad to say good bye to this subject. The professor has motivated us a lot to be incredible English teachers. We have learnt a l...