miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018


The professor showed us a book where it containt the different skills o fthe English language. It contans a lot of differetn activities and thing to improve a skill or how to develop it in a not common way.
Our task was divide us in groups of two to create some interactive activities with a skill of English. In my case, we have to work in writing.

We decided to create a lot of activities to practice writing but not in a common area as wrting somo sentences or writing some text.
We decided to relate all the time writing with the other skills, and for that reason, pupils can 
understand and practise in a better way a language without thinking they are doing an specific skill.

The activities were like games, so it help students to enjoy doing this activity. We release that they were having fun while they were learning English and practising writing in some different ways. For example, one activity was a bingo, but without only crossing numbers, they had to write what they have heard and then cross it. Others activities were for instance running to write what the had understood or wrtiting by memory what they had seen or to write an invented history student by student.

In my opinion this kind of activities at the university help us to open our mind to change the traditional education and to practice on activities we could do as teachers. 

The presentation of the rest of my parteners help me to know how can develop my English classes in the future, because they had other skills like speaking or reading. What I have discovered going to the presentations of my classmates or mine, is that we have to change the way of teaching, not only using the typical book with boring activities. If we want to our students to learn English, we have to do activities where the have fun while they are learning!

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I am so sad to say good bye to this subject. The professor has motivated us a lot to be incredible English teachers. We have learnt a l...